Social Services
Heart + Hand provides basic needs assistance and services for low-income residents of our service areas.
Kanawha County Service Area residents from South Charleston, St. Albans, Tornado, Dunbar, Institute, Alum Creek, and Davis Creek. Applicants meet with a caseworker at our South Charleston office to identify solutions to their basic needs. Services offered at this location include:
- Food Pantry
- Utility Assistance/Dollar Energy
- Diapers/Hygiene
- Cleaning Supplies Clothing/Household Vouchers
- Beds for Foster Children
- Free Medical Supplies
- USDA Senior Food Boxes
- Furniture Vouchers
- Christmas Program
Putnam County Service Area all of Putnam County benefits from the convenience of our office located at the Winfield United Methodist Church. Located next to the Putnam County DHHR. Services offered at this location include:
- Emergency Food
- Utility Assistance/Dollar Energy
- Diapers/Hygiene
- Cleaning Supplies
- Clothing Vouchers-SC Location
- Christmas Program
Upper Kanawha Valley Service Area residents may receive services over the phone or in-person at our South Charleston office. This includes all of the Riverside High School area. Services offered at this location include:
- Utility Assistance/Dollar Energy
- Emergency Food and/or Referral
- Diapers/Hygiene
- Cleaning Supplies
- Clothing Vouchers-SC Location
All of our offices are Dollar Energy application sites for anyone that qualifies. Those from outside our service area may call 211 for WV Information and Referral.
We provide weekend food bags for South Charleston Middle School students that might not have enough to eat on weekends.
How Do I Apply for Assistance?
Confirm that you are in our service area here.
Please be prepared to provide proof of your current address: Utility Bill, Medical Card, or WV ID.
Bring the name, birthday, social security number, proof of income and or DHHR/SNAP letter for everyone in the home. We ask for your Social Security number to help us verify your identity and ensure that you receive the social services you need, such as access to the food pantry. This number helps us keep accurate records and prevents fraud, ensuring that assistance goes to those who truly need it. Protecting your privacy and personal information is important to us, and we handle your Social Security number with the utmost care and confidentiality. Providing this number helps us streamline the process and ensure that you receive the support you deserve.
Please understand, we ask for your race and other related demographic information on assistance applications to better understand and serve the diverse communities we support. This information helps us ensure that resources are distributed equitably and that our programs effectively address the needs of all individuals and families. By collecting demographic data, including race, we can identify any disparities in access to food assistance and work towards creating more inclusive and fair services for everyone. Your participation in providing this information is greatly appreciated and helps us improve our efforts to combat hunger and promote food security for all.