How It Works
In 2024 Heart + Hand Outreach Ministries is fortunate to receive funding from the West Virginia Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church, United Way of Central West Virginia, The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation, Truist, Norfolk Southern, FEMA, and other churches, businesses, civic organizations and caring individuals. Because of this support, we are able to help alleviate hunger and provide basic needs assistance to those living in poverty.
Furniture, Clothing and Household Items
If you would like to donate furniture, please call 304-342-0029 to schedule a pickup. We are only able to pick up gently used furniture at this time. We do not accept heavily worn or soiled furniture, mattresses, tube tv’s or pianos. If you have a clothing or household donation our rear loading dock is open Monday through Saturday from 10AM until 3PM for your convenience. We appreciate your donations and use them to help the entire community.
If you would like to make a monetary donation, you can click the PayPal button below to fill out our form or give us a call at 304.342.0029. VERY IMPORTANT: Please specify the purpose for your donation on the comment line: Christmas, Hike for Hunger, Food Pantry, Back to School, etc. If you do not specify, we will use the funds to help where they are needed most.
Click Here to Donate with a Credit Card
Rewards Programs
We have Rewards Partners that will provide us with financial support based on your spending with their organization. Your Kroger card, Amazon Smile account, or Element Federal Credit Union membership are great ways to provide continued support.
Kroger You can also click HERE to register your current Kroger rewards card at and then select Heart + Hand Outreach Ministries to designate your Community Rewards.
Element FCU Click here to Swipe It for Good
Trust, Wills, and Estates
An endowment gift may be made through gifts of cash, securities, real estate or life insurance. Endowment fund opportunities are available to preserve and enhance the services provided by Heart + Hand. Funds may be named in memory of a loved one, in honor of a special person or reflect a donor’s interest.
To set up sustained giving, contact Eddie Bucklen 304-342-0029.
Other Ways To Give
- Food donations are always needed. Food donations are welcomed Monday through Friday from 10am to 3pm. Suggested donations: cereal, pancake mix and syrup, soup, spaghetti sauce and pasta, Jiffy mix, or garden vegetables.
- Schedule a pickup to donate towards First Presbyterian’s leadership in the Summer Furniture Mission. This program seeks donations of good, used furniture. Call 304.342.0029 to schedule.
- We participate in a program called Causeworthy Clothes. They send clothing that we cannot use to Central and South America. We are happy to accept not only your gently used items, but also any and all clothes, shoes, purses, belts, and hats.
Receive an Neighborhood Investment Program WV Tax Credit
Please check with us in the fall of 2024 for availability. To find out more about NIP credits click HERE