Donate lightly used clothing, furniture, and household items.

Donate food, diapers, personal care items, and cleaning supplies.

Become a volunteer and help with any of our programs or events.

Support the community while you shop at our thrift store.

Click here to learn how you can make a financial donation.


About Us

What We Do

We are a community based organization serving and supporting our neighbors with their emergency basic needs.

Our Mission

To demonstrate the love of Christ and to minister to needs both physical and spiritual as we assist those who live among us.

Call us at 304.342.0029 to see how you can help.

Ways You Can Help

  • Food Pantry
  • Donation sorting & processing
  • Thrift Store organizing books or clothing
  • Test electronic donations
  • Help pickup food & furniture donations
  • Help organize the Hike for Hunger
  • Organize a food drive
  • Christmas Distribution
  • Bell Ringing
  • Lead or organize classes

Heart + Hand Stories

``Sean is a five year old that accompanied his mother recently when she came to our South Charleston office for food assistance. When our volunteer wheeled a shopping cart of food out of the panty into the hallway, Sean jumped up and down and said “Mommy look at all that food. We are going to be able to eat for days!”

``Roger is a communications specialist that had long periods of unemployment over the past couple of years. We helped him keep the electricity in his home once in 2017 and again in 2018. In December of 2019, his wife came into the Putnam County office and said her husband wanted to make a donation in appreciation for all we did for them. Now they both have good jobs, in fact Roger is working in Hawaii. She wrote us a check for $500 and with tears in her eyes, thanked us for being there when they most needed help.``

``The last day of school before Thanksgiving, Heart + Hand volunteers had really stuffed the 66 South Charleston Middle School weekend food bags with extra food to help students get through a week without free breakfast and lunch at school. Two of the students were seen looking in their bags as they walked home that day. One student said “Look at all this food. I’ll have enough to share with my sister!”
